Monday, September 19, 2011

Homogenized Culture

Homogenized Culture
I believe that the idea of a homogenized culture is like a double edged sword. It is good in a way because it can bring people together by blending cultures which creates a bridge between people. This blending can be negative in a way because the culture will lose its identity. Everything that it made it special would be lost in the mixing pot.

Mass Culture
Mass culture is all about compromising. People have to give up a part of their values in order to make everybody happy. It cannot discriminate because it has to include a solution for everybody. If it discriminated, then somebody will not be content. Leavis said in his essay that the use of machines will bring this nation down, that it will create a void that different generations cannot pass. Macdonald says that the kitsch will take over the high quality of high art. Kitsch is the an example of mass culture. It combines classic art with the low art form of nick-knacks. This lowers the appeal and then it loses its value.  This gap between generations and loss of value can be seen with the new internet generation. The kids born in the internet generation can easily learn the technology while older people (mainly baby boomers) have a little more trouble. Some just don't even want to mess with it. This creates a gap. There is also the loss of value of gaining knowledge. People who use the internet don't realize that before computers, books were the main source of knowledge.

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